East Greenwich, RI
Connection to Camp
1 Year • Cody Camper

This summer, I chose to go to Camp Cody instead of the camp that I used to go near home. When I was looking at the website and the videos with my parents, I realized how much cooler it looked and there were so many more activities to try out. One of the coolest parts of my first summer was when I got to try out the new biking pump track with two of my best friends. We got to ride on it for over an hour and we learned new tricks from the guy who built the track. It was an awesome experience and one that I’ll never forget. I also loved my cabin. We had a great group of guys and we always stayed up late playing cards or just talking about life. One of our favorite activities together was Bear Hunt, where there were counselors dressed up as bears around camp and our counselors showed us where all the bears with the most points were. This summer was a blast and I can’t wait to go back next year!