


United Kingdom

Connection to Camp

6 Years • Cody Counselor


Position: Head of Boat Pier

I have been coming to Camp since 2013 and since then I just kept coming back and I don’t think I would have as much fun anywhere else. I have made great friendships along the way ones that will last a lifetime. Every year I develop and improve as a coach, leader, and counselor and these are all skills that are closely associated with possible career pathways in the future. From starting as a nervous CIT I have developed my skills and I and the Head of Boat Beach working with around 15 staff to ensure the kids are safe and having fun. Cody is my second family.

Every year you go back you make so many memories that last a lifetime, I still remember times in the cabin as a CIT that I look back on with great fondness. Every year there are changes whether it be new activities or new campers but the one constant is the amazing staff that are hired each and every year. When I look back I think of the staff and the relationships that I built.

In 2016 I was a paddle-board instructor and when the campers come to camp a lot of them have never done that before so it is a completely new activity for them. Seeing the campers face light up when they are able to stand for the first time on the paddle-board gives you a feeling that you won’t get in your life very much and for you to be able to say that you helped them achieve a goal is very rewarding.

Having the opportunity to be the Head of Boat Beach was also a fantastic experience! I had been a CIT there and worked as an activity counselor for two years so when I was given the chance to do it I felt a great sense of pride and satisfaction that I could have an input with the campers and the staff. A lesson I have learned is to take every opportunity that is given to me and I would not be where I am at Camp Cody without that mindset.