Staff Positions
Counselor Positions
A general counselor’s main duty is to care for these campers, oversee their well-being and happiness, foster friendships between campers and ensure campers are minding their schedules. They are role models and dependable friends who are always there for the campers. They are encouraging and supportive and create a sense of community on campus and in their cabin.
Activity Counselors hold the same responsibilities as the general counselors, with the addition of teaching a specific skill during the day. Those who wish to be counselors and have a passion for one of our activities offered are well-suited to be activity counselors.
Cody has a long list of activities to choose from and each activity requires counselors, so check out all of our activities to see if there is one you love!
Counselor Requirements: Those applying to be counselors must have already completed one year of college prior to the start of their position at Cody. Those who have not yet completed this may apply for the Teen Leadership/Counselor in Training Program.
Group Directors are veteran counselors. They have previous experience working at Cody and are responsible for supervising our counselors and directing their respective division. They provide guidance and support to counselors, help manage groups, organize activities, assist in Progressive Programming strategy and act as the liaison for parent communications.
Support Staff
Office Staff oversees all administrative duties and make sure Cody runs smoothly and in an organized fashion. These are the people answering phones, talking to parents, organizing schedules, accommodating changes and helping to make Cody run so well!
Medical Staff is predominantly comprised of registered nurses who work and reside in our Health Center. They handle first aid incidents, care for sick campers, and distribute medications as needed. They maintain overall health and wellness at Cody, which we take very seriously!
Maintenance Staff keeps camp beautiful, safe and tidy too! They keep everything in working order, landscape our grounds and make repairs and improvements. Without them, we would literally fall apart!
Culinary Staff feed hundreds of campers and staff, three times a day — that’s a tall order! They prepare and serve breakfast, lunch and dinner, so they are kept very busy. Not only do our culinary staff prepare and serve food, they also work to ensure the Dining Hall is kept clean and all food areas are 100% sanitary, 100% of the time.
Interested in working at Camp Cody?