


Yorktown, NY

Connection to Camp

3 Years • Cody Counselor


Position: Program Assistant and Trips Coordinator


Cody is an escape from the ins and outs of daily life. I love the people and the memories that come with them. To me, Cody means days on the lake and time spent with my friends from all over the world. The people that I have met and the friends I have made throughout my years here are amazing. Having friends from all over the world is something I am truly grateful for.

While working as the Teen Leadership Program Director in the Summer of 2017, I was responsible for about 40 CIT’s and JC’s from all around America and the world. The CIT’s had organized an all camp event, which went incredibly well with nearly every camper and counselor participating in and enjoying the activity. I remember being extremely proud that the CIT’s had grown in their maturity and organization and were able to plan such a successful event.

My favorite experience at Cody is becoming best friends with so many people from all over the country and the world. There is nothing better than that first day of summer pulling up to Cody, seeing your friends and immediately going back to the way things were last summer. One lesson I learned at Cody is that often times it is about the journey and not the destination. Sometimes you need to appreciate where you are and things around you, because eventually it will all be gone.