summer camp

5 of the Best Winter Activities That You Should be Playing

Camp Cody Team

kids roasting marshmallows on fire put at night

Just because it’s winter doesn’t mean all fun and games need to stop. There are plenty of unique winter activities that your kids are sure to love even if it’s chilly outside.

Read on to learn about some of our favorite winter activities you can whip together in no time with your pre-teen and teenage children.

1. Backyard Winter Olympics
Bring this esteemed competition to your backyard this winter. If you live in an area with ample snow, consider including competitions like sled racing, snowball tossing, and even curling (if you have access to some ice). But even if you don’t have snow, you can get creative with games like the best ski jump, indoor figure skating, and gymnastics. These activities are great for getting your kids active! And don’t forget about making a show of the awards ceremony at the end.

2. Winter Scavenger Hunt
It can be easy to become holed up indoors during the chilly winter months. A scavenger hunt is an engaging and fun way to get some fresh air and explore the great outdoors. There are many winter scavenger hunt ideas online that you can tailor to your child’s age and interests. This can include everything from finding animal prints and feathers to different evergreens.

3. Nature Walk
A nature walk is a more leisurely way to enjoy the winter environment with your family – but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring. While a winter scavenger hunt and nature walk go hand in hand, there are also other things you can do during this time. Eye Spy can be great for younger children, while your older kids may enjoy taking along a pair of binoculars to spot and identify different birds and animals along the way.

4. Snow Fort Building Contest
There’s nothing better than some fun and healthy competition to boost your child’s energy during the winter months. If you have a blanket of snow on the ground, get your kids bundled up and outdoors for a snow fort building contest. Either individually or in teams, see who can create the most creative, structurally sound, or largest snow fort! Alternatively, you can have a snow sculpture contest.

5. Winter-Themed Baking Competition
For an indoor winter game, consider hosting your own baking competition. Let your kids get creative by making their own hot chocolate recipe or cookies that are perfect for warming up on a cold winter day. Then, you can judge who was the most creative or which tastes the best! Baking is a great way to help kids with their math skills, while older teens will enjoy the chance to be creative and get their hands dirty in the kitchen.

Interested in learning about more winter activities you can be playing with your family this season? Get more inspiration from our blog or check out our full list of outdoor and other activities to see how Camp Cody has fun in the sun this upcoming summer.

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