Ardmore, PA
Connection to Camp
2 Years • Cody Camper

Me and my sister decided to come back this year because we had so much fun our first year and it was really nice being able to have her with me! We got to hang out at meal times and during free time and it was good to see her having a fun time with her cabin. I made a lot of friends in my cabin too and I loved playing card games with my friends. Our favorite card game is called Exploding Kittens and it’s really funny! I learned how to play Gaga this summer and it was hard at first, but my friends helped me to get the hang of it and then I won a game. One of the best moments of camp was when one of my friend’s parents sent him a bunch of water guns for the whole cabin, so we had a huge water war and ran all around camp getting our counselors soaked! We all had so much fun this summer and I bet next year is going to be even better.