Lincoln Park, Chicago, IL
Connection to Camp
1 year • Cody Camper

This year was my first year at camp and it was awesome! My cousins have been coming to camp for a few years and this year me and my sister were finally old enough to go with them! We flew to camp together and I got really excited when we landed in Boston and saw our counselors waiting for us. My counselors and my Group Leader were really nice and helped us unpack and get settled on our first day. I loved my cabin, everyone was really funny and nice and I made a lot of new friends. During cabin time, we would play ball games, card games like Uno, and we practiced our dance that we performed in the talent show! The talent show was my favorite part of camp and everybody cheered for us during our dance. I also loved when the Pioneers got to go to StoryLand for trip day, and the night we had a pajama party social! Overall I had an awesome time and camp and I was really happy that I got to spend a lot of time with my sister and my cousins.