summer camp

8 Ways Kids Can Unplug From Technology This Summer

Camp Cody Team

Every summer Camp Cody encourages kids to take a break from technology. Campers come without cell phones, video game consoles, or laptops, and spend their time immersing themselves in nature. When kids aren’t at camp, we strongly urge them to take a break from electronics and get outside even if it’s to take a one hour walk or a quick 1-mile jog. Let’s explore some other ways kids, teens and even parents can’t detach from electronic devices.

girl counselor reading while four young girls look over her shoulder

  • Meditate: You’ve probably heard how meditation improves productivity and reduces stress, and meditating right in the morning is an excellent way to start the day off right. One of the first things people do in the morning is reach for their phone. Rather than checking texts or social media, make a habit of meditating with your kid. This will also help your child feel centered and calm before heading to school.
  • Avoid TV Dinners: Gathering around the screen and eating dinner together as a family might be entertaining but there’s little to no opportunity to converse. Make it a point to have dinner at the dinner table and you’ll quickly notice the family bonding.
  • Create a Competition: Kids love a good competition! See who in the family can go the longest without looking at their phone.
  • Have Board Game Nights: These have been increasingly popular during quarantine. Set up a board game night once a week and have everyone set aside their electronics. One hour of snacks and games, and no cellular devices!
  • Get Cooking: Cooking requires communicating, listening, and patience. That means you can’t have any distractions. Kids are also working to complete a goal and work to the best of their abilities similar to the activities at sleepaway camp.
  • Schedule Screen Time: If the kids can’t get away from the screen, it might be necessary to schedule screen time. Set aside an hour a two each day for the kids to use video games, television or cell phones. Kids should get in the habit of building human connection and being aware of their surroundings rather than constantly using technology.
  • Play Sports: Although you might not have the space or equipment that sleepaway camps provide, you can still go outside and get active. Kick a soccer ball out on the lawn, practice dribbling and passing skills in the driveway, or play a game of homerun derby. Make it a point to stay active for at least one hour per day.
  • Put Screens in a Common Room: Keep tv’s, computers and video game consoles outside of the bedroom. You don’t want children to be tempted to browse the web or watch a show all hours of the night. The lack of sleep will make your children cranky and agitated the next day

Unplug at Our Sleepaway Camp in Freedom, NH

While we’re all anticipating next summer, now is the time to request a brochure and see what Camp Cody is all about! We offer a coed sleepaway camp experience in Freedom, NH along Ossipee Lake. One of our policies is no electronic devices as we want kids to truly make memories at camp, listen to each other, bond, learn, and genuinely experience all that camp has to offer. Living without distractions also means that campers can focus on themselves.

Some activities offered at our sleepaway camp include:

  • Kayaking
  • Canoeing
  • Flag football
  • Cooking
  • Ceramics
  • Scuba Diving
  • Fencing
  • Yoga

View All Activities

Curious about our cabins? Each cabin has counselors who make sure everyone is safe and having a fantastic time. We have ice breakers and games in store, and we give kids downtime so they can bond. We also have plenty of cabins for each age group and draw up our cabin rosters through a thoughtful and deliberate process.

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