Summer camp is an incredible experience for children and teenagers as it allows them to build friendships, gain self confidence and develop new skills. While overnight summer camps in New Hampshire offer campers a sea of opportunity, you might be wondering, “Is my child actually ready for summer camp?” Some children are eager to attend camp at a young age, while others might not join summer camp until their early teens. If you’re unsure whether your child is ready for overnight summer camp, we’ve provided some common questions that might help you make a decision.
Is Your Child Comfortable at Sleepovers?
If your child often sleeps over at a friend’s house or with another family member, this is usually a pretty good indicator that your child is willing to leave home. According to the American Camp Association, a child’s readiness to leave home is typically between ages seven and nine.
Is Your Child Confident in New Scenarios?
When your child is confident in new situations, whether it be meeting new people or trying new activities, they’re probably ready for overnight summer camp. Camp is all about discovery!
Can Your Child Follow Instructions?
Camp counselors will be guiding children through camp so it’s essential that your child understands how to follow instructions. If you notice your child listening at home and following the rules, they’ll have no problem at summer camp.
Does Your Child Understand Sleepaway Camp?
Some kids may not have heard of sleepaway camp or believe they’ll only be away from home for the night. Have an open discussion with your child regarding sleepaway and educate them on how long they will be away from home.
Summer Camp Programs for First-Timers
If you’ve answered yes to the questions above, your child is ready for overnight camp. At Camp Cody, we have several programs each catering to a different age group. When it comes to activities, we have something available for everyone. From creative arts like beadwork, cooking, dance and scrapbooking, to waterfront activities like tubing, canoeing, and kayaking, there’s never a dull moment at our overnight camp in New Hampshire.
Pioneers Program (ages 7-9): The Pioneers Program was developed for first-time campers which is why we’ve made sure to provide nothing but fun! Our home away from home experience means a higher counselor-to-camp ratio along with Camp Moms available to assist with hygiene and basic camper needs.
Juniors Program (ages 10-11): Another incredible program designed for first-time campers. Campers who’ve moved up from the Pioneers Program will enjoy additional electives, later bedtimes and more trips to choose from.
Inters Program (ages 12-13): Although this program is the second eldest division, many of these campers are first-timers! Kids have the opportunity to engage in longer social events and explore the Northeastern region on exciting trips.
Seniors Program (ages 14-15): Whether it’s your teen’s first time at sleepaway camp in New Hampshire or they’ve been coming for several years, our Senior Program is packed with activities. They’ll even have access to the Senior Lounge, have more frequent and long lasting social events, and have the most electives.
Send us a message to request more info. We hope to hear from you soon!