Belmont, MA
Connection to Camp
2 Years • Cody Camper

This year I got to go to camp for my first time with my brothers! On the first day of camp, there was a girl in my cabin who had already been to camp so she helped me when I was nervous and showed me around camp and introduced me to new friends. It was really nice and it felt like I had a friend as soon as I got there and like I was already a part of the cabin. My favorite activity at camp was Horseback Riding, and it was really fun because we got to know all of the horses at the barn. One time, the horse that I was riding was really hungry so I got to walk her around to eat and hang out with her after my lesson. Horseback Riding was a great activity because I got to learn new skills and how to tack up the horses. I think some of the best moments during the session were when we got to just hangout during cabin time, I feel like I got really close with all the girls in my cabin and I loved doing almost all of my activities with them!