Hollis, NH
Connection to Camp
3 Years • Cody Camper

My first year at camp, I felt very welcomed by everyone. My cabin was a diverse group of kids that were all new to camp and we had awesome, involved counselors who helped us get settled. My cabin felt very homey and we all became really good friends. One of my favorite activities was woodworking, and that’s actually where I met my best friend. My friends and I also had one hilarious prank that we pulled against the Inter Girls. One of the girls cabins stole our massive water gun, so we made a master plan to get it back. We went to the girls side gaga put with full water bottles (to stay hydrated, of course) and we invited their cabin to come and play gaga with us. When the girls arrived, we soaked them with all of our water bottles! We ended up having a massive water war and had a blast and best of all, I got my water gun back. I can’t wait to go back to camp and make more memories like that next year!